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Study forecasts 9m sea-level rise if temperatures meet 2C threshold

"Hundreds of millions of people around the world would be affected as low low-lying coastal areas became inundated"

Category: Climate Change


More drivers using mobile phones since penalty change

"More drivers are using hand-held mobile phones than before tougher penalties were introduced two years ago, the Transport Research Laboratory has said."


MP3 players face noise limits recommended by EU

"The European Commission is calling for a suggested maximum volume to be set on MP3 players, to protect users' hearing."

Category: Communications


Steven Chu pledges $350m clean tech fund to sweeten deal at Copenhagen

"The fund will be used to encourage the development of renewable energy projects such as wind and solar power and more energy efficient appliances in the developing world."


US left behind in technological race to fight climate change

"A speech by the US energy secretary, Steven Chu, shows how America's unquestioning belief in the free market has held back technological innovation"

Displaying results 826 to 830 out of 2977